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Larry Golden, CEO



Phone: 864-288-5605





Larry Golden is the Author of three (3) Economic Stimulus and Terrorism Prevention packages that he submitted to the Government for review between the years 2002—2010. The packages are:

  1. Safer Newspaper Racks (SafeRack) Project.

  2. Anti-Terrorist Product Grouping (ATPG) Project.

  3. Vehicle Protection (V-Tection) Project.



Larry’s earliest submission to the Patent and Trademark Office was done through a “Disclosure Document” that was filed on November 17, 2004. Larry currently owns 10 patents (7,385,497; 7,636,033; 8,106,752; 8,334,761; 8,531,280; RE43,891; RE43,990; 9,096,189; 9,589,439; and, 10,163,287. Patents’ Title: “Multi-Sensor Detection, Stall-to-Stop, and Lock Disabling Systems”.



Strayer University - Greenville, Greenville, SC                                                   2019-Present

Masters of Business Management (MBA)


Strayer University - Greenville, Greenville, SC                                                   2015-2017

Masters of Science (MS); Business Management / Leadership


The University of Georgia – Terry College of Business, Atlanta, GA                 2013-2016

Certified Financial Planner (CFP) Certification Program


Strayer University - Greenville, Greenville, SC                                                   2013-2015

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration; Concentration in Finance


Piedmont Technical College - Greenwood, SC                                                   1983-1990

Associate Degrees (4): Industrial Management, Accounting, Marketing and Management

Pro Se:


Larry filed a “Government Fifth Amendment Takings of a Patent” claim and a “Government Patent Infringement” claim in the United States Court of Federal Claims, Washington, DC in March of 2013. The total estimated damages are upward of $100 billion dollars.

Business:  864-288-5605

Home:       864-992-7104

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